Evaluation of property
In order to obtain information on income, property and other assets of an individual or a business entity, we offer the service of evaluation of property standing.
It is conducted in the following cases:
- when the debtor’s property needs to be determined in order to apply legal steps against them,
- in divorce cases, so as to exactly determine the spouses’ property and divide it fairly,
- when alimony needs to be executed from a person who evades payment and provides false information on their financial standing,
- for business purposes.
The tools we use are publicly accessible sources of information.
If it is impossible to determine official sources of income or if a person is trying to conceal their property, their property standing is assessed by means of observation, on the basis of which we make a report describing the person’s standard of living (employment, vehicles used etc.).
You are encouraged to make an appointment for a consultation, during which we provide paid counsel and information on the actions taken with regard to evaluation of property.